A recent survey released by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) placed New Zealand as the 8th happiest country in the World.
New Zealand ranked respectively on 76.7% on life satisfaction; 85.8% on whether people felt like their lives were dominated by positive experiences and feelings or negative ones and a low unemployment rate at around 4%. Jobs in New Zealand could be regard as the best in the world!
While the global economic crisis has taken a toll on every nation, New Zealand's unemployment rate is currently estimated at 4%. Many leading economists concur that a 4% unemployment rate reflects a stable economy. According to the OECD's Chapple, "not having a job makes one substantially less satisfied."
New Zealand's ever growing economy means looking for suitable jobs in New Zealand has never been easier. The country is still in need desperate need of skilled workers in various fields. The door is therefore always open for workers to bring their skills to New Zealand and enjoy its unrivalled quality of life.
The availability of jobs in New Zealand is highly flexible and deregulated. The general costs of properties are internationally competitive, with many of the taxes imposed elsewhere not applicable. The country does not payroll tax, inheritance tax, death duties no instances of capital gains tax.
However wealth alone does not bring happiness. The survey indicates New Zealand's gross domestic product per capita (GDP) at $30,500.00. Skilled jobs in New Zealand will merit higher salaries.
This makes looking for jobs in New Zealand very attractive. If you want to see natural beauty at its absolute best - you must visit New Zealand.
Looking for jobs in New Zealand has never look more attractive. With nature beauty New Zealand is without question one of the most beautiful countries on the planet!
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The Emigration Group was established in 1992 with the sole aim of helping people achieve a new life overseas.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sachin_Desa